What is a Content Manager?

You may have heard of a Content Manager before, but the definition of it has changed a little bit as social media has evolved even more.

When we’re talking about a Content Manager, we’re talking about someone who owns your content and always knows where it’s going, what it needs, and how to change it for the different platforms you’re showing up on.

Set the scene here:

You’re someone who LOVES blogging. You can write about something in your business, and turn it into multiple blog posts. But then what?

You have to turn it into a graphic for Instagram, then a reel, and a carousel post. Next is a TikTok, a Pinterest Pin, and Idea Pin, and now also a YouTube short? I have to reformat it to fit the different sizes? Oh and the captions are different too? What are all these platforms and how do you keep track?

Well, you really don’t…we do!

Typically with our clients we find that there is a platform that they enjoy being on (and if not, that’s okay too - we offer that service as well!) but they don’t know how to turn that content into things for other platforms. And to be honest, there just isn’t enough time to do that anyway.

You started your business for a reason, and doing all that extra stuff takes you away from that passion you love.

So let me give you a couple of examples.

We have a client whose main platform is TikTok. She posts multiple TikToks a day for her business. Then, we come in and turn those TikTok’s into Instagram reels, and YouTube Shorts (yes you have to download them with a program to get the logo to go away, reformat them, rework some of the captions so they work on a new platform, etc). We usually create some sort of graphic out of it to post it at a later date to Instagram, and then even a carousel post there too. You can even take the content and turn it into a caption to put with a photo as well. Sometimes we create a blog post from the content + we turn it into a Pinterest Pin and a Pinterest Idea Pin.

Essentially, we are repurposing her content (more on that later!), but in a whole new way. We have taken that one TikTok video and turned it into 5-8 different pieces of content to go out in different spaces for different audiences.

Here’s the tricky part. YOU can do that easily. You know your business and your brand. You are perfectly capable of doing all those things and posting to all those platforms. BUT…two things.

  • Do you WANT to?

  • Do you have TIME to do that?

Our kicker is that we are spreadsheet QUEENS. We keep a spreadsheet for everything, so that content we are repurposing above, we know when it’s going out on what platform and what purpose it’s serving there. Then, we know when to repost it to another platform and how to change it up to format to that space for that audience.

It’s honestly a full time job, which is why we have a team to help us out with it.

Obviously this example above is one from someone who produces a lot of content. But if we go back up to that person who loves blogging at the beginning of this post? We take that one blog post and turn it into tons of content for all the platforms.

Maybe you’re someone who only likes to share text posts on Facebook. That’s okay too! We can turn something like that into tons of content, it just takes time, and the real kick is that it takes a LOT of organization, systems, and processes in place to make it happen.

Coincidentally, we actually really love this part of our job. I might argue that it’s my favorite part since I get to see one piece of content float around so many different platforms and see where it goes and who it serves.

If you need help, let us know. We would love to take some of the work off your plate!



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