Digital Bliss
Mastering Your Phone Organization
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed every time you open your phone?
You can never find that one picture or file you are looking for.
You have 10,000 email notifications.
Every time you go to take a picture you get the dreaded “Storage is Full” notification.
That notification reminds you how much you need to tackle your digital clutter….but every time you open your phone, you realize you don’t even know where to start.
Introducing: Digital Bliss: Master Your Phone Organization
So glad you’re here!
With this course, we’re going to help you:
Clean out all of the nooks and crannies of your phone
Save tons of time and frustration from searching for things
Make sure that you never lose important documents or photos!
Not only is this course broken down into bite size steps so you don’t have to feel like you have to tackle it all at once, this course will also give you a plan to stay organized moving forward so you don’t fall back into the chaos and overwhelm of digital clutter.
After starting a virtual assistant business, I started to really see how cluttered peoples lives are. People were hiring me to help with their businesses to free up some time in their life, but their digital life was a true MESS. I couldn’t even get started on the tasks they needed help with because I couldn’t find anything and nothing made sense. That’s when I realized how passionate I really am about not feeling overwhelmed when opening your device. I took some time to get their digital life in order and multiple clients were so thankful and didn’t even know how overwhelmed they were feeling before!
Creating a course on phone organization is a small task that can help you gain control over a simple part of your digital life so you can breathe a sigh of relief!
It’s time for you to take back your phone and help it work WITH you and not against you!
Meet your instructor
Meet your instructor ﹡
Hey, I’m Tristan!
I’ve always been the person with dozens of shoe boxes full of photos of my friends and family, and I would constantly dump them out to reorganize them however it made sense the best in my brain - by year, by person, by event. When the digital world got more popular, I made discs of these photos so I could sure if someone needed a photo of one of my friends, I could pop that disc in and find it right away.
Later on, it obviously became easier and easier to keep things organized! Then, when I had kids of my own, I really took this task on to be a full time job! If someone needed to see a photo of my kid eating spaghetti - I had it in seconds! I love to recreate photos, look back on things, and find exactly what I need.
It’s time to take back control of your digital life!