Benefits of Hiring A Virtual Assistant


People are often wondering how hiring a Virtual Assistant can benefit themselves and their business. I wanted to write a blog post about this because the possibilities of a Virtual Assistant helping you are endless, which means that the benefits are also never ending!

First up:

#1 Overhead Costs

If you are a business owner and are looking into hiring someone to help you out, you’re typically looking at paying for a space for them to work, equipment needed for them to do their job, as well as benefits, vacation time, leave, etc.

With a Virtual Assistant, they work remotely, so no office space. They have their own equipment to complete tasks - and often have access to many more programs or subscriptions that you may not have to take your business to the next level.

All of these things are already taken care of when hiring a Virtual Assistant, so you don’t have the added stress of figuring all of it out!

#2 You can hire anyone, anywhere!

You can hire a Virtual Assistant that works anywhere in the world! You don’t have to find someone in your city which means that the possibilities are never ending. You can do your research and find a Virtual Assistant that meshes perfectly with your business or who focuses solely on the task you are looking to outsource. You can hire someone to complete any tasks that a typical admin assistant could do - except for getting you coffee. Side note: Who wants to start a coffee delivery service with me??

#3 Flexibility

A lot of Virtual Assistants don’t work your typical 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday hours. so you are able to use the services they are providing to you at a multitude of times and days throughout the week. Virtual Assistants usually make their own schedule (at least I do!) so I can be available to my clients when they need me!

#4 Pay for What you Use

You know sometimes you’re sitting at work and there is nothing to do? So you scroll social media or play a game on your phone? With a Virtual Assistant, you only pay for the hours you use (if they charge hourly - which I do!) If you have a big project you are launching, you might be paying a VA for a few more hours that month. But if you run a business that has some slow winter months, maybe you lower your hours for that time period. You don’t pay for unused time with me!

#5 Reduced Workload

We all wish we had more time every day, right? Outsourcing different things allows you to focus on what you really WANT to. Pass off tasks to a Virtual Assistant so that you can get back to your daily priorities instead of all of the extra tasks that don’t bring you joy. Plus, you get to work as a team to get some things going for your business!



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What services does a Virtual Assistant Provide?