Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

How To Get Clients As A Virtual Assistant

My Instagram DMs blow up daily with one very specific question, “How do Virtual Assistants get clients?!”

Million dollar question, right?!

There are so many ways you can go about finding clients, tons of things you can google, or groups you can join that will tell you all the things. But sometimes you feel like nothing at all is working in getting you any clients!

I don’t have any answers that will magically make you $10K a month. But I do have some tips and tricks that have worked for me.

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Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

That Pesky Little Thing Called Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome…that pesky little thing! All the feelings of self-doubt, not being good enough, or feeling unqualified.

How many of you have felt this? I’m assuming every single one of your raised your hand. Research From Life Goals Magazine has found that it may be present in up to 82% of the population - across all gender, ethnic, and age groups.

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Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

Four Reasons to Outsource

Outsourcing…a term a lot of people don’t truly understand but a lot of you actually use!

Does someone mow your lawn? Do you use a meal delivery service? Are you a lover of Target drive-up? Hire an accountant for your taxes each year? All of these are forms of outsourcing! It includes a lot more than you think it does! Basically anything you pay someone else to do!

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Virtual Assistant, Social Media Tristan Bouc Virtual Assistant, Social Media Tristan Bouc

4 Reasons You Should Use Instagram Stories

You open Instagram and start scrolling through, stopping and interacting with the posts of the people you follow. Or you immediately click stories on the top and watch through those for what seems like hours of your life you just lost.

Which one are you?

Stop reading now and comment to answer! Over the years, a lot of people watch more stories than they do Instagram feed posts! Here are 4 reasons why you should use instagram stories - every single day!

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Business, Social Media, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Social Media, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

What is a Call to Action?

A Call to Action, or CTA, is an invitation for people to engage somehow. Sometimes people need to be told exactly what to do. In social media, telling your audience what to do can drive traffic to your page, offer, blog, product, etc. Using CTAs to your advantage can help with whatever you are wanting.

Just using a CTA in your social media posts can increase engagement tremendously!⁠ Using a call to action on all your posts is greatly encouraged!

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Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

3 Ways to Stay Motivated While Working From Home

All I’ve ever known is “going” to work! So when I started working from home, I had a lot to learn. I’m generally a pretty self-motivated person, but there are definitely days where I look at my bed and just want to crawl in!

Remote work can be amazing for so many reasons! I love to take breaks when I want or need them, I can stop and throw in laundry quick or let my dogs out, and I can start as early or work as late as I want to!

Here’s what I do to make sure I stay productive and motivated to keep on trucking through the week!

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Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

What to Do When Business Is Slow

"Slow Season" is different for every business! For a lot of people, it's right now after the huge holiday rush of chaos! Use this time when business might be slow to get things in order!

Keep reading to get some great ideas to focus on when things are slow. You finally have the time to get some of those things crossed off that you’ve been saying forever!

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Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc Business, Virtual Assistant Tristan Bouc

5 Things A Virtual Assistant Can Provide

A lot of people hear the term “Virtual Assistant” and they’re like, “Whhaaaa??” and I totally get it. It’s such a new business idea that people really have no idea what things Virtual Assistants can provide! Head to some of my previous posts to catch yourself up on some terms dealing with being a VA! If you own a business and are trying to gain some time back in your day, keep reading!

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