What is a Virtual Assistant?


The Virtual Assistant world is something I knew 0% about when I started this. A friend was searching one day, came across this job, and said, “This is YOUR job.” and she was totally right. This speaks my language. This is what I’m supposed to do.

A Virtual Assistant (VA) is a remote assistant who offers support in your business so you can focus on other things. This can be admin support, creative services, social media help, and more.

“What exactly does that mean?”

If you own a business, you know how hard it is to keep up with everything. There are deadlines to meet, invoices to be sent, social media to post, graphics to design, marketing things to do, not to mention the constant client interactions you have to make like answering what your hours are, what are your prices, etc. etc. etc. There are also a multitude of things business owners WANT to do, but they have no idea HOW to do them.

By hiring a VA, you are basically hiring someone to do these things for you so that you can get back to the parts of your business that need more of your attention, the parts you WANT to do, and the parts you truly love.

The goal of hiring someone to do these things, is so you can gain time back in your day. You could hire an assistant for these things, but that comes with a lot of “extras” like providing equipment, benefits, office space, etc.


A Virtual Assistant is VIRTUAL. So they have their own space, typically working from home, their own equipment, their own memberships into programs that you could benefit from (creative programs like Adobe or Canva, Client relations programs, scheduling softwares, etc. ). They can help you complete tasks without even having to tell them to do things, and you can get back to

Doing what you LOVE

The next question I get after explaining this to someone is, HOW do you even do that and also WHAT services do you provide? Also, how would I even start the process of giving something up?

Stay tuned for more blog posts so I can answer all these things for you! Because there are a wholllleee lot.


Bliss Lane Virtual Assistant

What services does a Virtual Assistant Provide?


Meet Tristan