Cold Brew Coffee Recipe


Probably one of the most common question I get in my DMs after talking to Instagram is how the heck I make my coffee.

I love coffee. It started when I was a teacher, but I never found anything I really loved. This resulted in me and a coworker stopping for coffee lottttttss of days a week. Which is obviously expensive!

Once I started working from home I had to figure out how the heck to make something I loved because I wasn’t going to spend the money on good coffee every day.

Enter…this bad boy!!

One of my friends told me about this and I was 100% sold. We bought it, made coffee that night for the morning, and ever since then I have been trying and changing recipes every day to create things I absolutely love!

It is so simple to use! Make it ahead and have coffee ready for you when you wake up!

My first tip would be to buy some good coffee! We used regular Folgers forever and it was still wonderful.

But we have been going to a local coffee shop to get beans and we’re obsessed! You can even order them online from so many places PLUS some of them have subscription services…dream come true.

We use this grinder and it works great!

The real game changer!

A MILK FROTHER. I cannot stress enough how much this totally changed at home coffee for me. And if you think I’m being dramatic, it’s because I am! Often times I will choose coffee from home over getting some from somewhere because I like it so much more.

This one is perfectly fine - it’s what I have. But this is also on my wishlist, so I’ll be buying soon for sure!


Follow the instructions on your Cold Brew! You can brew, store and serve all in one. 1) Add coffee grounds to brew filter. 2) Pour cold water over coffee. 3) Brew in the refrigerator overnight (or longer if you prefer stronger coffee. 4) Serve and enjoy. It’s super simple!

(If we have coffee still leftover, we put it in a sealed mason jar and make another batch for the next day and it still tastes great! It says it lasts for 14 days but we obviously never make it that long with coffee in our house!)

Here’s what you need:

Almond Milk
Silk Almon
d Creamer - any of them but I’m a big caramel fan!
Caramel Syrup

In the morning, I pour some coffee from our Cold Brew over ice. In a separate cup, I put in about two tablespoons of almond milk, a splash of creamer and caramel syrup, and a generous amount of cinnamon. Then I froth until it is super thick and foamy! (The key is to move it up and down while you’re frothing! Makes it nice and thick!) I pour that over the top of my coffee, add a straw, and donezo!

Make sure you take pictures when you pour that in because it’s one of those weird things that make me so crazy happy every single morning from how pretty it is!


That’s it! Super simple and super yummy! Let me know if you try it out!

You can see a video of my process on my reels of my IG page!


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