2021 Recap

Every single year I say I won’t do a recap, and every single year I spend New Year’s Eve reading through the previous 10 years on my old blog. I laugh and cry and get all nostalgic over all the memories. This year I really am not doing one like I typically do, but I do need something up to help keep me accountable.

I started a blog forever ago for a spot to write down thoughts + post photos. I have loved sharing my life with others, but mostly I have loved having this little spot to keep track of my family, life, and business and being able to go back as a little scrapbook for myself.

This year was a true test. After the weirdest 2020, this year had a lot of potential, but there were still just so many bizarre things. In my personal life we were navigating the world of two kids, packing up our house and moving to a new one, figuring out work life, new rules, mandates, and just so many changes. It felt like things wanted to get back to “normal” but then they didn’t. So we figured life out in a different way!

I learned a lot about being a working mom. I learned the hard way in 2020 that I couldn’t be a Mom and a business owner at the same time. I needed to fully do one at a time. That meant on days when my kids were home, I couldn’t have my computer open trying to work. I learned that my kids thrive at daycare while my business thrives at home. I get the flexibility to pick them up early for a park date, keep them home on days when we only want to watch movies, or take a long weekend when we can. They get to see me as a Mom who plays with them and also as a powerful business owner who makes things happen. It’s the best of all the worlds and I love where we are!

I drank probably a million cups of coffee (and probably spilled at least 50 of them), ate lunch in front of my computer a hundred times(which I’m not supposed to do), delivered client work while pumping, read so many books, jumped on the podcast train, had so many amazing photoshoots - business and family, had soooo many meetings, and gained an amazing amount of people in my life.

This little business of mine that started as a tiny idea has grown into something bigger than I ever expected. My word for 2021 was GROWTH, and it definitely showed up! I surpassed my income goal with almost three months left in the year. I hired my fourth person and have built a team of women that show the heck up every day with fantastic work. These ladies have saved my butt multiple times (through sickness, that time I spilled on my computer, kids home, and more!) I cannot wait to keep on growing and having these ladies with me through it all!

I have been able to be part of some amazing groups of people that have helped my business tremendously. These people have cheered me on, answered a million questions, and constantly shared my name in other rooms of people. Finding a community of women is such an important thing and I’m so happy to have so many cheerleaders!

I did some hard things this year. DUH. I changed some services, stopped working with some people, had some really hard conversations, and created boundaries galore! (Honestly should’ve been my word this year!) I’m an enneagram 2 and it’s really hard for me to say no. But I really worked at it this year, and it’s becoming easier and easier to do when it’s the best option for me and my family!

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for always supporting, cheering, checking for mistakes, calling me out, and passing my name along. I have the best clients and team and am in the best possible spot thanks to all of you.

2022 word is: INTENTIONAL

I have a lot I want to do. There are always ideas floating around in my head and new ones coming daily. But this year, I want to be intentional with what I’m doing. I need to get them all out of my head onto paper and start the planning!

2022 - Intentional
2021 - Growth
2020 - Content
2019 - Enjoy
2018 - Try
2017 - Change
2016 - Focus & Adventure


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