Five Post Ideas to Steal This Week

Sometimes coming up with content for social media is a full-time job in itself. You wake up and are immediately worried about what you’re posting that day because you know you need to show up on social media, but how?!


If you need an actual content plan and strategy, we’ve got you covered for that. But if you are looking for some easy post ideas, we gotchu!

Keep reading to check some out.

  • Introduce yourself

    People always always always forget to actually show their face. If you follow me on social media, you know that I preach this like crazy. Showing the real you is how you build trust with people and gain a community. Do an intro type post. Share 5 fun facts about yourself, two truths and a lie, a funny story, a glimpse into your personal life. This is what people want to see!

  • Share a common myth in your industry

    Whatever industry you are in, I’m sure there are things people believe about it that aren’t true. If you share a common myth that people think is fact, and bust it, it gives you the upper hand on really understanding your industry + more on what people want to see from you!

    Example: When it comes to hiring a financial planner, people think it will cost a fortune. Then share the real numbers!

  • A list of three things your customer needs to know

    Maybe that’s three things about you and your business specifically, or it could be your city, your industry, your product, get creative on this one!

  • Share the story of how you got started

    This is a personal one that is so fun to share about every once in awhile. You have to remember that your followers change every day. Someone who is following you now may have just joined yesterday, so they might not catch on to things you are sharing or know the history of the business. If you think about why you follow certain people yourself, it’s usually because you know parts of their life and want to know more. Share that history with your audience!

  • A common mistake you see and how to fix it

    You can have so much fun with this one and really show your expertise on your industry. There has to be something you see your customers do all the time that you can add some insight to, share that!

Let me know if you use any of these ideas and tag me on social media. I would love to cheer you on!



My #1 Tip if You Are Building a Growing Business