How to Mix Up Your Social Media Content

I’m coming atcha with a social media tip today! Part of my job as a social media manager is to post online for other businesses. We take care of the posting and make sure consistent content is going out that people are going to enjoy! But when people are doing it themselves, they usually have lots of questions!

Maybe you are a dentist and you only share before and after pictures. Or you sell purses and all you post are product photos. Or you’re a mental health counselor and the only thing you share are tips to improve your mental health.

ALL GREAT, WONDERFUL THINGS to share on social media! BUT….if you put out the same.exact.content people are going to get bored. It feels repetitive to see the same sorts of stuff on your social media platforms! Keep reading until the end to see some ways to mix up your social media.

A lot of people get in their heads about their feed for a lot of reasons! Here are some I see:

You want to have a pattern on your IG feed

Nothing wrong with that! It looks pretty and aesthetically pleasing! But, it causes lots of problems when people want to post for a certain day and can’t post the picture they’re proud of because it’s supposed to be a quote with a purple background day. It creates a lot of “rules” for you that are hard to break. And I’m a rule breaker, so I’ll never encourage this tactic :)

No one wants to hear about __ , ___ , and __

They definitely do! No, not everyone might want to read about the services you offer as a chiropractor every single day. But you want to be showing up consistently so they randomly see your content while they’re laying on the couch binge watching whatever show that night. That way, when they need services you are at the front of their brain!

ALSO remember, that you are an expert in your field. Even if it feels silly to teach about the smallest thing, someone is coming to your page to learn about that very thing, so share it!

I can’t think of anything for reels, videos, photos, etc.

You do NOT have to do them all. Pick one thing (great captions, quality photos, engaging with others)and focus on ONLY that. When you feel good about it, pick another! Don’t get overwhelmed with all the things…because there are a lot!

I can’t talk about myself.

Probably the biggest reason people hire someone to do social media for them is because they can’t talk about themselves. I totally get that, it’s super difficult. But just like with anything, it gets easier the more you do it! (Same with showing yourself on video, editing a reel, learning hashtags, etc etc etc!) Just share something small and go from there. Ask a friend some things about you and turn those into captions. Or if you’re ready, hire someone to do this for you. Everyone will have a process on how to gain information from you to be able to write about you!

It’s time to mix it up to keep your audience engaged.

I know you’re already feeling overwhelmed about all the things that are needed from you on social media, it really is a full time job! But regardless of your industry, or even if it’s just on your personal page - mix it up with some of these tips!

  • Take a behind the scenes video

  • When you’re up for it, turn one of the videos you’ve taken into a reel

  • Give a challenge prompt for your followers

  • Share a sale going on

  • If you’re a product based business, take some lifestyle shots or add some hands in the photos actually using the products

  • Share your why! It’s GOOD to share personal posts

  • Share an inspirational quote

  • Take a video of a task you do regularly

  • Share a tip or trick

  • Explain a service you provide

  • Try a reel NOT showing your face

  • Post an educational photo or caption

  • POST TO STORIES! Please do this one regularly

  • Do an IG live and see who joins. If it’s no one, that’s fine - you did it!

Let me know which ones you are going to try today! I would love to see! And if you still need help, reach out! We’d love to chat!



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