What to Do When Business Is Slow

"Slow Season" is different for every business! For a lot of people, it's right now after the huge holiday rush of chaos! Use this time when business might be slow to get things in order!

Keep reading to get some great ideas to focus on when things are slow. You finally have the time to get some of those things crossed off that you’ve been saying forever!

  1. Get Organized

    How many times do you say, "Ah I need to get that organized!" Do it now! If you use google drive, make all the folders and start dragging! Go through your phone and delete the unnedeed, doubles, and blurry ones! And then back that shiz up on something like Google Photos. Get your desk put back together. Go through your downloads foler! And I'm begging you to please, please, please...finally organize your email!


2. Do all the updating

I suggest starting with your computer that constantly gives you the "Update Now' button and you've snoozed it every day for the past 4 months. Just do it today. Update your invoices, website, contracts, products, photos, etc. This can feel like such a time suck some days. So it's a perfect time to make this your ofcus! ALSO go update your "About Me" on everything - especially your website and IG bio!


3. Get New Photos Taken

You can use new brand photos to update things about your business to use for social media content. I mean things like working on a certain product launch., a silly photo for National Checklist Day, or a special or funny holiday coming up like National Ice Cream Day!


4. Make Connections

There is rarely enough time in the day for the things you need or want to get done, and social media is usually one of the first to go! Use this time to make some new friends! I have met some people that I talk to every single day of my life on social media!


5. Brainstorm

Keep a notes page open in your phone and add them all as they come to you! Maybe those are new launches, services, graphics, copywriting ideas, or ways you want to serve your clients. If you're feeling extra motivated, take some of those things and turn them into content while they're front of mind. Then you're getting content planning and creation crossed off too!


Most of these things are tasks I find myself (and often hear others) saying, “Oh I really need to ____.” Now is the time! If it’s your slow season, get going on some of these so you don’t have to worry about them when it’s busy and you feel like you’re drowing!

While some of these things are really time consuming - hello email organization and going through your downloads folder - they really save you time in the long run and you’ll be happier to see things taken care of now when you’re not busy!

Let me know if you have any questions on how I do any of these in my slow season!



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