3 Ways to Stay Motivated While Working From Home

All I’ve ever known is “going” to work! So when I started working from home, I had a lot to learn. I’m generally a pretty self-motivated person, but there are definitely days where I look at my bed and just want to crawl in!

Remote work can be amazing for so many reasons! I love to take breaks when I want or need them, I can stop and throw in laundry quick or let my dogs out, and I can start as early or work as late as I want to!

Here’s what I do to make sure I stay productive and motivated to keep on trucking through the week!

  1. Check Your Space

    Do you feel productive here? Maybe it needs cleaned up, organized, or you need to determine a better setup to do your best work. Sometimes if I’m feeling frustrated by something or unmotivated, I stop and clear my space, rearrange, or do a quick clean. It always seems to help me!

    I’m currently in the works (only in my brain) of trying to figure out a system that helps me in my office! I really like natural light, and having a basement office means the light is really great for just a bit, then in mid-afternoon, I have to even shut the curtains because the sun is blaring on my screen and in my eyes. So I have big plans coming :)

  2. Take Some Breaks

    Commit to actually getting up and moving around. Go for a walk, don't eat your lunch in front of your computer (I’m really bad at this!), read a book, go drive to get a coffee, run a quick errand. Do something for 15 minutes so you feel better when you sit back down! I’ve been trying to be better about these so I can work better when I do sit back down!

    One thing I implemented a couple years ago was to take my dogs on a walk every single day. It’s a non-negotiable in my day, even when things are so busy we go for at least 1 mile. I noticed how much it changed my day, so I just schedule it in now!

  3. Change it Up

    Buy some new office supplies, go work at a coffee shop, work outside, rearrange! If it doesn't work for you, try something different. You need something that will make you feel and do your best! Sometimes this tip makes me want to just go out and buy a new computer when I’m feeling annoyed with my motivation….sooo maybe don’t do that!

Do you have anything you do while working from home to stay motivated? I want to hear because I am always, always trying to learn…especially on Fridays when I just want to be done working!



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