That Pesky Little Thing Called Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome…that pesky little thing! All the feelings of self-doubt, not being good enough, or feeling unqualified.

How many of you have felt this? I’m assuming every single one of your raised your hand. Research From Life Goals Magazine has found that it may be present in up to 82% of the population - across all gender, ethnic, and age groups.

You might have imposter syndrome if you’re:

  • Doubting yourself constantly

  • Obsessing over the smallest things

  • Questioning if you’re even doing what you’re supposed to

  • Having difficulty owning accomplishments

  • Overly concerned with what others think of you

It’s so, so easy to fall into these thoughts SO often! Whether you’re a business owner, a parent, decorating your house, planning your kids birthday party, writing a course, etc etc etc!

When you feel like someone is better than you

One of our team members, Jenny says she always feels it when taking photos of others because there will always be someone better than you! “I’m also a perfectionist, so even if I meet almost all of my goals or did 99% of something right, I can often obsess over the 1% I did wrong, which makes me question everything.” Uh, hello #samehere. Someone is definitely always going to be different than you but that doesn’t mean you have to compare yourself!

In searching a little bit more about this topic, I found an awesome article from Life Goals about the five types of imposter syndrome and how to turn it into your superpower.

The five types are:
1. The Perfectionist
2. The Expert
3. The Soloist
4. The Natural Genius
5. The Superhero

Reading through these, I got some great ideas about how to turn parts of my imposter syndrome into great aspects of my personality. Maybe you’ll find some too!

There are so many things that can cause imposter syndrome, and also so many ways to combat it!

Hannah from the Bliss+Lane team says she feels it way more during her slower months of business, and definitely felt it while trying to find her groove with work after she became a new Mom! “When I feel it, it definitely lights a fire to work harder - which is sometimes a blessing but sometimes a curse!” Which I totally feel. Sometimes it makes me stay up late working on things I think need to get done, but it’s really just things that I think I need to get done based on what I see from others. One thing that helps me tremendously when I feel this is to stay off social media! That’s an immediate cure for me every single time.

Imposter Syndrome sucks, plain and simple. But a good reminder to always say to yourself is that YOU do it differently. Your voice might be exactly what someone needs. Accept that you don’t know everything and you can’t. That’s not your job. Molly from our team says that “As I get older, I’m better about just being confident in where I’m at in life and not caring about what others are doing or think.” Which is exactly the way to start kicking imposter syndrome to the curb!



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