Four Reasons to Outsource

Outsourcing…a term a lot of people don’t truly understand but a lot of you actually use!

Does someone mow your lawn? Do you use a meal delivery service? Are you a lover of Target drive-up? Hire an accountant for your taxes each year? All of these are forms of outsourcing! It includes a lot more than you think it does! Basically anything you pay someone else to do!

Outsourcing: hiring outside people to provide specific goods or services, instead of producing the goods or services in-house

Now that the definition is out of the way, let’s get into the great reasons you should be outsourcing!

Raise your hand if:

✨ You have ideas but no time to do them
✨ You’re feeling stressed out
✨ You’re doing things you don’t enjoy
✨ You have no work-life balance

Do any of these sound like you?

If any of these are true, keep reading.

If you own a business, you’re surely feeling one of these things! Let me explain further.

✨ You have ideas but no time to do them

A lot of our clients have this problem! Sometimes it’s because people just aren’t creative and need help! But a lot of times, it’s because people have great ideas, they just don’t have any time to actually implement their ideas, or they need some assistance in making them happen!

✨ You’re feeling stressed out

Duh. Do I really need to explain this one? If there are parts of your life that are stressing you out, then it’s time to take charge and figure out how to take the burden off of you. Enter: Bliss + Lane (or a virtual assistant that can help you out!)

✨ You’re doing things you don’t enjoy

Want to know the things I outsource: anything legal, taxes, finance, etc. It all makes me cringe. These are parts of my business that I could do, but I just really don’t want to. They do not bring me joy, they stress me out, I never know if I’m doing them right. All these are reasons why you should outsource to someone else. I promise you there are humans who love numbers…those humans are not me.

✨ You have no work-life balance

This is a big no no for me. You gotta figure out how to build a business first, and the very next thing you have to do is figure out how to stop your work brain and get into home mode. You can’t do both things well. So figuring out the balance is crucial.


These are all 4 great signs that it’s time for you to outsource. The next question I always get is: HOW? Which I can share about in another blog post, but long story short - my first tip is to make a list of every single thing you do in a day. Look at that list and figure out what you love, what you hate, what you want to give up, what you want more of, etc etc etc. That’s a great place to start! Or just meet with a virtual assistant and tell them your pain points, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction!



That Pesky Little Thing Called Imposter Syndrome


How Bliss+Lane Started