5 Things A Virtual Assistant Can Provide

When I started, I was never planning on offering social media management services, but it turns out that is the one thing that a lot of businesses want to give up to gain more time back in their day! It has turned into the main service I provide because a lot of people really dislike it/don’t have time for it/or want an expert to do it for them!

But that is not the only thing we offer here at Bliss+Lane!

Keep reading to learn about 5 things a virtual assistant can provide.

A lot of people hear the term “Virtual Assistant” and they’re like, “Whhaaaa??” and I totally get it. It’s such a new business idea that people really have no idea what things Virtual Assistants can provide! Head to some of my previous posts to catch yourself up on some terms dealing with being a VA!

This blog post has a list of 5 things a virtual assistant can provide to a business owner that doesn’t include social media management! If you own a business and are trying to gain some time back in your day, keep reading!

  1. Online Graphic Design

    Maybe you have some ideas for social media posts but need a graphic to share with it, you need a flyer created for an event you have coming up, or you need something designed for your new website. Online graphic design is offered here at Bliss+Lane using various programs to make your ideas come to life!

  2. Email Marketing and Management

    Another big service that we offer that a lot of clients take advantage of is email.

    It’s a beast to tackle! Some clients want us to head into their email and organize things before they take a look each day. That might mean getting things into folders to keep them in order, or putting certain emails that need your attention into a different folder. This can help you stay focused on what the priorities are when you login each day!

    Email marketing is also offered! We know this is a big deal this year after the big no social media day we had when everything crashed! Email marketing is a must in your business. We can come up with ideas for email newsletters, design them, and send them out too!

  3. Digital Organization

    If you follow me on social media, you know that I live my whole life in Google Drive. I am able to find anything I need in less than 30 seconds because I’m a total freak about digital organization! It might be your own Google drive, photos you need organized, Dropbox, or documents…we do it all!

  4. Proofreading/Blog Writing

    We do a lot of reading, re-reading, editing, and writing for our clients too! Sometimes that means quick captions on social posts or longer blog posts or documents you use for your business. Getting a second eye on things like this usually catches quite a bit!

  5. Website Updates

    While I don’t (usually) offer web design as a full service, I love to do website updates when it comes to new, updated photos (especially if we’ve done brand photos together!) or changing up different web pages as your business evolves and changes!

Now you know a couple of things a Virtual Assistant can offer your business! These are only 5 of the virtual assistant services that we offer. There are a ton more! If you are trying to figure out some things that you can outsource in your business, please reach out and we can chat about what that might look like, or we can give you ideas on what to try next!



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