Paying for Childcare When You Work From Home

If you’ve been around my blog for awhile, you know these two little faces! They don’t make it around here much anymore! Now that there are two of them - blogging our personal lives has totally taken a back burner. But if you follow my instagram, you know they are the center of my page! With my business constantly growing, we pay for full time child-care and wouldn’t have it any other way. I get lots of questions about this. Keep reading to find out why!


Did you see the actress Melanie Lynskey at the Critics Choice Awards thanking her nanny for making her work possible? That’s exactly how I feel. Without our support in child care, we wouldn’t be able to run a successful business. There is absolutely no way my children could be home while I am serving my clients + being a good Mom. I know that about our situation and I am forever thankful we have the option to send them somewhere they are so loved.

Running a business means figuring out what works the best for your unique situation. When we started our search, we were newly pregnant and finding a child care facility isn’t usually at the front of your mind when you’re excited by ultrasounds, baby showers, and preparing for this new, little life you’re bringing into the world.

By using Step Up to Quality and the search bar on their website, you can find a provider who receives specialized training and has access to great resources! This is a great starting point in your search for child cares or preschools to help you narrow down your choices - there are now over 600 in the state of Nebraska!

I was an early childhood development major in college, so I am well aware of all the brain development that happens before age 5. High quality early childhood education is crucial to every child’s future – and the future of our state. According to Johns Hopkins University, “researchers have learned that the human brain develops the vast majority of its neurons, and is at its most receptive to learning, between birth and three years of age.” Children who receive quality care from when they are babies through preschool have a stronger foundation from which to grow.

We didn’t know about this program, but we were not at all surprised to find out that our child care provider is part of it! We have luckily found somewhere that provides the best care possible for our two littles! 

We also recently started the search for a preschool for our 4 year old and this has been so helpful in narrowing down our choices for that! There are hundreds of options, so this helps make it a little bit easier!

Make sure you check out the website and see if it might be able to help you too!



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