How Bliss+Lane Started

I have a unique business name that doesn’t share a lot about what it is that we actually do, so I get questioned a lot on “How did you get your business name?”

Well, let me tell you a little story!

I’ve been a photographer since high school where I was ‘Be the Change Photography’ - cringgggee! Then in college when I shifted gears to make this more my part time job, I became Bliss Photo. Bliss came to be because it is just a word that I’ve always been drawn to….perfect happiness, oblivious of other things around you, a sigh of bliss.

Bliss Photo was a thing for a lot of years! I photographed hundreds of families and kiddos under that name - and even weddings with my friend Sherman - which we don’t do anymore thankfully!

I got to take part in so many proposals, births, anniveiarsires, extended family sessions, intimate wedding moments, newborns, seniors and everything in between and I loved it! Which I still do - just under a new name with some more boundaries in place about what I truly love!

When I decided to leave teaching, I just started an entirely new business called Virtual Bliss! I still got to keep the ‘bliss’ but adding the Virtual allowed me to showcase a little more of what I was doing as a Virtual Assistant.

Enter: two LLC’s, two Instagram and Facebook pages (plus personal ones) and running social media pages for so many other clients too. Plus, my two routes of business were starting to merge into one. I was starting to take photos of business clients, then use those photos in their social media. My branding shoots started to merge into my monthly clients who needed to use these photos to create new websites, event flyers, and backend tasks of their business. I was getting overwhelmed with trying to post photos to Bliss Photo, get VA tasks out on Virtual Bliss, and then also share adorable kid pics on just Tristan pages. So I wanted to streamline my world a bit.

Which is when Bliss+Lane was formed!

I got to keep the Bliss - which was a goal! Lane is my daughter Larson’s middle name, and also signified taking the path, the lane to Bliss. Maybe that meant handing things off to my team so you can reach that perfect happiness in your business, or it was getting new photos taken to capture this blissful part of your life. Whatever it is, it’s the lane towards happiness. Helping you focus more on the things that matter - saving you time for the better things in life.

I’ve thought about changing this name multiple times so I could clearly state what it is that Bliss+Lane does, and maybe someday that will happen, but for now I’m sticking with it, because this is our Bliss!



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