What is a Call to Action?

Read to the end of this blog for a freebie!

There…now that I have your attention with a call to action. I can properly explain what a call to action actually is.

A Call to Action, or CTA, is an invitation for people to engage somehow. Sometimes people need to be told exactly what to do. In social media, telling your audience what to do can drive traffic to your page, offer, blog, product, etc. Using CTAs to your advantage can help with whatever you are wanting.

Make it motivating for them! What’s in it for them? They’re going to want to know that so they actually follow through with the CTA instead of just reading and scrolling right on by.

A couple examples:
- Tag a friend who needs this! - Get more people to view your content!
- Put your vote in the comments! - More engagement on your post!
- Check out the blog post! - Direct them to a different form of content!

You’ll want to write your CTAs based on whatever your goals are. If you are someone who is wanting to increase views on reels vs. someone who wants their audience to head to their blog - your CTAs will look different. Another really great idea when writing your call to actions is to use the fear of fomo (fear of missing out!) with your audience!

Using things like:
- It’s your last chance to grab this offer!
- Jump on the email list, you don’t want to miss this!
- Tomorrow I’ll be sharing something big with my insider list, drop your email to join!

People do not want to miss out on exclusive content, so they are much more likely to engage with your content!

Just using a CTA in your social media posts can increase engagement tremendously!⁠ Using a call to action on all your posts is greatly encouraged!

You could easily just say: comment here or like this post. But it’s more fun if you make them a little more creative! Here are some ideas for you to try:

  • Tag a friend who needs this in their life!

  • Check out my story for a deep dive on this

  • Save this post for when you need it most!

  • Comment your questions for replies!

  • A or B?! Put your vote in the comments!

  • Share this to your story if you agree!

If you want some more ideas, download the freebie here!



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